COVID-19: India Business Environment

The recent outbreak of the COVID19 crisis has led to a worldwide crisis. At the same time, people are at grips of an economic slowdown that will follow in the aftermath of the pandemic, leading to severe market volatility.

At this stage, it is uncertain to pinpoint a clear end to the COVID-19 crisis, both on a national and global level. Nevertheless, radical measures are being  taken in the Indian periphery – from the Janta Curfew to the 21-day lockdown, fiscal stimulus and banking reforms – are looking to shorten the aftermath of the crisis to the last infected case.

To help those with business interests in India and to navigate the ever changing COVID-19 landscape, we have put together the following Document.

Other COVID-19 support, can be found at

The content in the document is not exhaustive. For specific questions contact us at


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